"German scientists want to have found corona drug in Bosnia" (Source: kosmo.at October 6, 2020)
"Artemisia annua - mugwort can save lives" . (Source Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Studies on Artemisia Annua in cancer therapy - an overview. (Source: National Library of Medicine.)
Thankful for the "plant of hope" (Source: Matthias Nothstein, bkz.de from 17.09.2020)
"Clinical study on mugwort: herb against Covid-19 will be tested in Mexico" . (Source: Der Tagesspiegel August 31, 2020)
Documentary film "Das Fieber" by Katharina Weingartner. There is a herb grown against malaria. (Source: ORF.at)
"The mother of all herbs: The Artemisia plant genus includes various types of mugwort, which are highly hoped for." (Source: Ulrike Henning in Neues Deutschland July 16, 2020).
"Medicinal plants are not strictly prohibited - effectiveness against corona is being investigated." (Source: press portal 05/14/2020)
"Practical experience with mistletoe and annual mugwort (Artemisia annua) in tumor therapy in dogs and cats. With the combination of Artemisia annua and mistletoe, a wide variety of tumor types have been successfully treated." (Source: Journal of Phytotherapy 2016; 37 - Vet02)
"And the winner is ... Artemisia!" (Source: Vital Substance Medicine. Dr. med. Heinz Lüscher)